
EMOM 4: 2 tall cleans


Every 1:15 x 6: power clean (pos. 1) + front squat + clean


The tall cleans will be light. Ensure you are not cheating the movement by using leg drive to elevate the barbell.

Focus on quality positions. Try receive your power clean with your feet in a squat width. Then pause for :02 before sinking into the front squat. If your feet are not in the proper position or you are off balance and unable to pause, simply stand up, make the necessary correction, and perform the front squat.

You may build up across these rounds or you may perform multiple sets at the same weight. Try to avoid missing reps.


For time

100 double unders
30 DB hang squat cleans
100 double unders
30 DB front rack reverse lunges
100 double unders

11 min time cap


The metcon today is for time of double unders, dumbbell hang squat cleans, and front rack reverse lunges. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or reps completed at the 11 minute time cap.

Double unders should take no longer than about 1:30. You may decrease the number of double unders or substitute single unders.

It is suggested to make a plan on how to break them up to avoid redlining, such as 40-30-30, or other sets that will be sustainable.

Dumbbells should be light-moderate. Aim to complete the hang squat cleans in 2-3 sets. Try to push your lunges to 1-3 sets.