
Snatch Pull + Snatch


You will have time to build to a working weight before the EMOM begins. Once the EMOM starts you can either build up across your sets or repeat the same weight for multiple sets.

Focus on quality positions in the pull and vertical extension on the snatch.


12 Russian kettlebell swings
12 box jumps
12 wall balls
12-15 calories


Today’s metcon is 16 minutes of Russian kettlebell swings, box jumps, wall balls, and calories. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in the 16 minutes.

Your kettlebell weight should be moderately heavy since these are Russian swings. However, aim to go unbroken through the workout.

Your box height should be such that you do not hesitate. However, you’re always welcome to step on the box.

Wall balls should be unbroken throughout the sixteen minutes. Choose your weight accordingly.

Calories should take no longer than about a minute. You may lower the number of calories if this pace sounds overly aggressive for today.