
Every 1:30 for 8 rounds:

  • 1 Snatch (position 1) + 1 Snatch (position 2) + 1 Snatch (position 3)


Today’s strength is a 3-position snatch. You will complete the complex at the top of every 90 seconds for 8 rounds. You may build throughout the 8-rounds or stay at the same weight.

Hold onto the bar between the snatch from position 1 and position 2. You may drop and reset before completing the rep from position 3. Pass through a full squat for all 3 snatches each round.


For time:

  • 30 Burpees over dumbbells
  • 40 Double Dumbbell Power Cleans
  • 50 Toes to Bar

9:00 time cap


Today’s workout is a simple chipper of burpees, dumbbell power cleans, and toes to bar. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 9-minute time cap.

The burpees should take no longer than 2-minutes to complete. Adjust the number of reps, if needed.

Choose a moderate weight for the power cleans. Sets of 10, with quick breaks should be a good strategy. Only one head of the dumbbell touches the ground between reps.

Keep the sets of toes to bar small and your breaks between sets consistent. If you cannot complete at least 10 reps on the minute, consider lowering the number of reps or substituting knee raises or sit ups.