
3 Sets

  • 5/side Weighted Step Ups
  • 5/side GHD Arch Swivels
  • 3-4/side Internal rotation lift offs from shin box


Today is a lower body strength and mobility day. You will rotate through three exercises for 3 working sets. Take your time moving through each exercise.

Hold two dumbbells in a farmer’s carry for the step ups. Show control through the entire range of motion on the step ups. If you need help from the non-working leg before reaching full extension, use a lighter load.

GHD Arch Swivels Place your upper quads on the pads. Your body should be parallel to the ground. Keep the legs, butt, and belly tight. Unlike the video, you should rotate slow and controlled.

Internal rotation lift offs from shin box Keep the knees and hips at a 90 degree angle. If you cannot lift the foot off the ground, lean farther forward. Hold the top for :01 each rep.


3 Sets

In 3:00:

  • 20m Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
  • 10 Box Jump Overs
  • Max Calories in remaining time

Rest 3:00


Today’s workout is three rounds of 3-minutes of work with 3-minutes of rest between rounds. Your score is the number of calories completed each round.

The lunge should be done with a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 20m without putting the dumbbells down. Be sure to maintain a soft touch of the knee on the ground each step.

Choose a box height that allows you to move smoothly and safely throughout the 10 reps each round.

Aim for a hard, but sustainable pace on the calories. You want to be consistent across all three rounds to maximize your score.