Back Squat @ 23X1
- Build to a heavy set of 3
- Drop 15% and perform 2 more sets of 3
Today’s strength is back squats. Each rep will be performed with a :02 descent, :03 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause between reps. We will build to a heavy set of 3, then take 15% of the bar and perform 2 more sets of 3 with the same tempo prescription.
As you are building to in weight, pay attention to how fast you stand up out of the bottom of the squat. If you stand up quickly, you can make a bigger jump. If there is a struggle on the way up and you hit a sticking point, make a much smaller jump in weight. This will help you avoid making too big a jump and hitting failure.
Every 5:00 for 4 rounds:
- 12 Toes to Bar
- 12/9 Calories
- 18 Wall Balls
- 12 Burpees
4:00 time cap each round.
Today’s workout is 4 rounds of toes to bar, calories, wall balls, and burpees. You will complete a new round every 5:00. Your score is the slowest round or the number of reps completed under the 4:00 time cap.
The toes to bar should be completed in 1 or 2 quick sets. You may substitute knee raises or sit ups.
The calories should take no longer than :45 to complete each round. If you do not have a machine, you may substitute a 150m or 200m run.
The wall balls should be completed in 1 set each time. Choose a weight that allows you to complete 18 reps unbroken across all 4 rounds. If you do not have a wall ball, substitute light thrusters.
The burpees should take no longer than :45 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly.