At Home Strength

5 Rounds

  • :20 Push Ups
  • :20 Rest
  • :20 Strict Pull Ups or Rows
  • :20 Rest


Today’s strength is 5 rounds of push ups or pull ups. You will complete as many reps as you can in :20 of push ups and pull ups with :20 rest between everything.

During the push ups, the goal is to move continuously for :20. Elevate your hands if you need as needed.

During the pull ups, try not to drop down from the bar at all. If you do not have a pull up bar, perform rows. Check out this video for some different row variations.

At Home Conditioning

Every minute on the minute for 21:00:

  • Minute 1: 15 Burpees
  • Minute 2: 20 SIngle Arm Hang Snatch
  • Minute 3: 25 Double Unders


Today’s conditioning is 3 different exercises. You will rotate stations every minute and complete each station 7 times.

The burpees should be completed in about :45 at a sustainable pace. You will want a few seconds to rest and transition to the next station.

The hang snatches can be performed with a dumbbell or kettlebell. It should be a light weight that allows you to complete all 20 reps unbroken.

The double under station is your rest station. Don’t take more than :30 to work on the double unders.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike / Run

5:00 Easy Warm Up

5 Sets:
2:00 Moderate
Rest :30
1:30 Fast
Rest :30
2:00 Moderate
Rest 1:30

5:00 Cool down


Today’s endurance workout is five sets of 3 intervals. Try to keep all the intervals the same pace across sets.

Pacing Guidelines:

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike Run
Moderate: 70-80RPM
Fast: 80-90 RPM
Moderate: 2k+:15
Fast: 2k + :05
Moderate: 55-70 RPM
Fast: 65-80 RPM
Moderate: mile pace + :15
Fast: mile pace + :05