Burpee Practice

For reps:

  • :45 Max Burpees

Rest 2:00 then, every 1:30 for 4 rounds:

  • Complete the number of burpees you performed in the :45 test


Today’s practice is burpee pacing. We set our burpee bench mark on March 16th with our 100 burpees for time test. This week we are going to be practicing two different paces for our burpees.

We will first test how many burpees you can do in :45. Go fast, no pacing here!

We will then rest 2 minutes and begin working on four rounds of burpees, each round completed at the top of every 1:30. Each round you will perform the number of burpees you completed in the :45 test. So if you completed 15 burpees on our :45 test, you will complete 15 burpees at the top of each ninety seconds. The idea is to stretch those 15 burpees out to take closer to 1:00-1:15, rather than :45.

At Home Conditioning

For time:

  • 75 Snatches

*Every minute on the minute perform 8 lateral hops over the dumbbell/kettlebell/barbell/etc.

8:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a task priority with an 8:00 time cap. You will complete 75 snatches for time, but every minute, including at 0:00, you will perform 8 lateral hops over whatever object you are snatching.

Check out this demo video of lateral hops.

You can use a barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell. Whatever you choose, it should be a light weight with which you can perform at least sets of 15.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike / Run

5:00 Easy Warm Up

4 Sets
3:00 Moderate
Rest 1:00
2:00 Fast
Rest 1:00
1:00 Faster
Rest 1:00

5:00 Cool down


Today’s endurance workout is four sets of 3 different intervals. Try to keep all the intervals the same pace across sets.

Pacing Guidelines:

Bike Erg Row Assault Bike Run
Moderate: 70-80RPM
Fast: 80-90 RPM
Faster: 90-100 RPM
Moderate: 2k+:15
Fast: 2k + :05
Faster: 2k
Moderate: 55-65 RPM
Fast: 65-75 RPM
Faster: 75+ RPM
Moderate: mile pace + :15
Fast: mile pace + :05
Faster: mile pace