1a) Front Rack Reverse Lunges
- x 8 per leg x 5 sets @ RPE 5-6
1b) Box Jump
- x 3 x 5
Strength Notes
Today’s strength involves two exercises between which you will alternate. For the lunges, you will warm up to a weight that feels moderate but you’re sure it will never get too challenging. You will then use that weight for all five working sets. For the box jumps, our major concerns are jump mechanics and how explosive you are being each jump. We are not concerned with jumping on the highest box possible.
5 Rounds
In 2:00 complete:
- 40 Double Unders
- 15 Dumbbell Push Press (35/50)
- Max Kettlebell Swings (35/53) in remaining time
Rest 2:00 between rounds
Conditioning Notes
Today’s conditioning involves five time priority intervals. The double unders should be done unbroken. Lower the number of reps, or perform 40 single unders in order to achieve this. The push press should also be done unbroken. The weight here will get challenging towards the later rounds, but you should still be confident you’ll get all 15 reps done in a row. Choose a weight on the kettlebell with which you are capable of doing 25 reps unbroken. It should not be heavy. Your score is the number of swings achieved each round. Try and hit the same number of reps every round.