
Our Thanksgiving Schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday, November 23rd is a normal schedule.
  • Thursday, November 24th there is ONE Class at 0900.
  • Friday, November 25th we will have class at 0900 and open gym from 1000-1200.
  • Saturday, November 26th normal schedule resumes.


Low Box Back Squat


  • 3 Rep Max


  • 5 x 2-4 reps @ 32X1

*Your stance will be slightly wider than your typical back squat.  The goal is to push your hips back far enough so that the shins are vertical during the lift.*


4 Sets:

In 4:00, climb the ladder adding 5 reps each round:

  • Wall Balls (20/14)
  • Calorie Row
  • Overhead Squats (75/55)
  • Toes to Bar

Rest 1:00

Performance may continue where you left off.

Fitness will begin back at 5.

Optional Independent Work

5 Sets:

  • Hang Power Clean x 5 @ >75%

3 Sets:

  • 8 Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge from 4″ Step per leg
  • 8 Glute Ham Raise
  • 8-12 Calf Raise