Nate & Seth celebrate the "Rep heard round the world"


Thanksgiving hours: Thursday (Thanksgiving day), Hero WOD at 0900; Friday, open gym/makeup 1000-1200; Regular weekend schedule



1) 3×5 Front Squat Linear Progression.

2) 3×5 Back Squat Linear Progression.


Option 1) Utilizing 85% of max Front Squat,  Front/Back Squat, 6 x 3-6

Do 3 front squats, rerack bar, take a breath, then immediately do 6 back squats. Six sets. Get some.

Option 2) Same as above, but four sets rather than six. If the volume of the squat cycle has not been agreeing with you or you want to ensure you have enough time for the met-con you might consider this option.


3 rounds:

  • 1 min Max Effort (ME) Rope Climbs
    • 30 Seconds Rest
  • 1 min ME Burpees
    • 30 Seconds Rest
  • 1 min ME Slam Ball (40/30)
    • 30 Seconds Rest