
Push Jerk

  • Build to a heavy set of 3 with a :01 pause in the receiving position each rep.
  • Drop 15-20% and do 2 sets of 6 @ 10X1.


Today’s strength is push jerks.

You will begin by building to a heavy set of 3. Every rep in that heavy set of 3 should have a :01 pause in the receiving position before standing up.

After completing your heavy set of 3, you will take 15-20% off the bar and complete 2 sets of 6. The tempo on the sets of 6 involves pausing for :01 with the bar locked out overhead and you standing at full extension, and no pause in the front rack. In other words, these are touch and go reps with a :01 pause overhead.


9-7-5 reps of

  • Wall Walks
  • Bar Muscle Ups or 21-15-9 Pull Ups

11:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a shoulder burner. Your score is the time to complete the 21 reps of wall walks and 21 reps of bar muscle ups or 45 pull ups. There is an 11-minute time cap.

Try to maintain a pace of at least 5/minute on the wall walks. You may adjust the rep scheme or lower the target height if you cannot maintain that pace.

The bar muscle ups or pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Adjust the rep scheme or pulling exercise in order to maintain the stimulus.