
Every 1:00 on the minute for 10:00:

  • 1 Power Snatch w/ :03 pull from ground to position 2 + :01 pause at position 2


Today’s strength is snatches. Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, you will complete a power snatch with a tempo. During the slow pull from the ground to above the knees, focus on staying balanced with your big toe pressed into the ground, and make sure the knees get back enough to allow the bar to travel straight up. During the pause, don’t let your knees travel forward and keep your shoulders over the bar. Warm up to a weight that feels challenging, but allows you to maintain good positions for all 10 reps, and use that weight for all 10 minutes. You may drop and reset on the ground after the snatch from position 2.

If you do not have a barbell, perform 3 rounds of a single arm swing, high pull, and full kettlebell snatch. Switch arms every round.


For time:

  • 50/40 Calories
  • 40 Burpees over the Dumbbell
  • 30 Hang Clean and Jerks
  • 20 Overhead Lunge Steps
  • 30 Hang Clean and Jerks
  • 40 Burpees over the Dumbbell
  • 50/40 Calories

20:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is for time. Your score will be the total time to complete all the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 20 minute time cap.

The calories should take no longer than 4:00 to complete on either end. Adjust the number of reps if it is going to put you too close to the time cap. If you do not have a machine, substitute a run of an equivalent time domain.

The burpees are to be performed over whatever object you are using for the hang clean and jerks. These should take no longer than 3:00 to complete each round. Adjust the number of reps accordingly.

The hang clean and jerks should be done with a light weight that allows you to complete the sets of 30 in no more than 2 sets. They may be done with a dumbbell, kettlebell, or very light barbell.

The overhead walking lunge should be completed without putting the weight down. Try to use the same weight that you are using for your hang clean and jerks.