Burpee Benchmark Retest

Today’s burpee retest is connected with a great charity. It is being hosted by Freddy Jackson of the Love: No Ego Foundation. The foundation works with local youth. The money raised will go to his foundation and allow them to do more activities with the mentees such as hikes, wellness, training group talks, etc. If you would like to dedicate this workout to his cause, follow this link to donate and get involved!

For time:

  • 100 Burpees

10:00 time cap


Today we are a retesting a bench mark for the “At Home” series. Compare the 20200316

Complete 100 burpees as fast as you can and record your time. Try setting a metronome to a pace that you feel you could hold for 100 reps and stick to it. When we retest, you can try and speed up the metronome just a touch.