At Home Strength
4 Rounds
- 10 Romanian Deadlifts
- 4 Box Jumps
Rest 1:00 between rounds
Today’s strength is Romanian deadlifts and box jumps. You will complete 10 Romanian deadlifts, then move immediately to the box jumps for 4 reps.
You choose the weight and variation of the deadlifts. You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, barbell, or any odd object. If you do not have anything heavy, add a slow tempo to the negative on each rep.
The box jumps should be done to something higher than you would typically use during a workout. If you do not have a box, or something to jump safely on to, perform 4 vertical jumps for max height.
At Home Conditioning
5 Rounds
In 2:00:
- 200m Seabag Run
- Max Burpees over the Seabag
Rest 1:00
Today’s conditioning is five 2-minute intervals. Your score is how many burpees you complete each round.
The run should take around 1:00 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly. If you are unsure how far 200m is, test it out by running :30 out and marking how far you made it. If you do not have a seabag, take a heavy back pace, dumbbell, or weight plate with you on your run.
Stay smooth on the burpees and use a two foot take off each jump!