
1a) Strict Press @ 30X1

  • x 6 x 4 sets @ RPE 7

1b) Supinated Strict Pull Ups

  • x 6-10 x 4 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is strict press and strict pull ups. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets. You may rest as needed between exercises.

For the strict press, warm up to a weight that leaves you feeling like could have completed a few more reps after your first working set. You will use that same weight for all 4 working sets.

The strict pull ups are completed with an underhand grip. Use bands or perform ring rows if you cannot complete 6-10 reps.


3 Sets

Complete as many reps as possible in 3:00:

  • 3 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
  • 3 Toes to Bar

Continue to add 3 reps every round.

Rest 3:00 between sets.

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout consists of 3 time priority intervals. You will begin with 3 reps of shoulder to overhead and toes to bar. The next round you will complete 6 reps of each, then 9 reps of each, and continue to add 3 reps every round. You will reset back to 3 for each new interval.

The shoulder to overhead should be at a weight that allows you to complete the set of 12 unbroken. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The toes to bar should also be unbroken through the set of 12. You may perform knee raises or leg raises in order to accomplish this.