
Deadlift @ 20X1

  • @ RPE 7 x 5.5 x 5 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength work is tempo deadlifts. Every rep will be performed with an explosive concentric, :01 pause at lockout, :02 lower to the ground, and no pause on the ground. Maintain this tempo for 5 reps, then rest :10, then complete another 5 reps at the same tempo. That will be one working set. Choose a weight that, after the first working set, you felt like you could have completed another 3 reps at the prescribed tempo. You will use this weight for all 5 sets.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 16:00:

  • 10 Kettlebell Snatch (35/53)
  • 5 Strict Pull Ups
  • 5 Box Jumps step down

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning is a time priority consisting of 3 exercises. The kettlebell snatches will be performed as 5 consecutive reps with your right arm, then 5 consecutive reps with your left arm. Choose a weight that allows you to perform these reps unbroken across multiple rounds. The strict pull ups should take no more than :25 to complete. Use a band or perform difficult ring rows to maintain that stimulus. Choose a height on the box jumps that allows you to maintain a soft landing and not hesitate between reps.