Take 15:00 to work on one of the following complexes:
- 4 Kip Swing
- 4 Knee Raises
- 4 Kip Swing
- 4 L-Up
- 4 Kip Swing
- 4 Toes to Bar
- 4 Kipping Pull Ups
- 4 Toes to Bar
- 4 Kip Swing
- 4 Kipping Pull Ups
- 4 Toes to Bar
- 4 Kipping Pull Ups
- 1 Bar Muscle Up
With a partner, alternating every :30, complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:
- 100 Calorie Bike or Row
- 80 Double Unders
- 60 Burpees
- 40 Goblet Squats (70/53)
- 20 Pull Ups
Partner 1 begins and works for 30 seconds. Partner 2 will then pick up where partner 1 left off and then work for 30 seconds. Continue alternating in this pattern and complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00.