Monday 2013.06.10


Snatch, 6×3 @75%


6 rounds for time:

  • 4 Deadhang Pull Ups
  • 8 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
  • 12 Sit Ups

Congratulations to Courtney Modecki for her first place finish at the CrossFit Games Latin America Regionals! We can’t wait to cheer her on when she heads to California in July!

Monday 2013.06.03


15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch


For time:

500m Row


5 rounds of

  • 10 Snatches @50%
  • 10 Toes to Bar

We saw some great lifts (and big numbers) on Saturday! Great work done by all those who came out and picked up heavy things!

Tuesday 2013.05.28

Congratulations to Ethan and Laura for their awesome performances in the Cougar Trail Half Marathon this weekend! Ethan placed 2nd overall and 1st in his age group while Laura was 2nd in her age group and 8th woman overall.

Remember, this Saturday is our CrossFit Total event! Be sure to pay extra attention to quality sleep and nutrition as the day draws closer.

Skill Review

Press, then 3×5 @ 50% of last work weight

Overhead Squat & Snatch


Snatch 5×1 @95%


 Three rounds for time of:

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 20 Overhead Squats (44/33)

Ethan and Laura

Thursday 2013.05.23


Snatch 5×2 @ 85%


Utilizing a continuously running clock, on the given minute, run the given distance at 100% effort.

0- 1 mile
12 min.- 800m
18 min.- 400m
21 min.- 200m
23 min.- 100m
24 min.- 50m

Thursday 2013.05.16


Snatch 7×2 @75%

Skill Review: 

Kettlebell Snatch


 2 rounds, for total score:

  • 1 minute, ME KB Snatch (53/35)
    -20 seconds rest-
  • 1 minute, ME KB Swings (53/35)
    -20 seconds rest-
  • 1 minute, ME Double Unders
    -20 seconds rest-
  • 1 minute, Row for Calories
    -100 seconds rest-