Tuesday 2014.04.15



1) Snatch Deadlift* + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat
2) EMOM 5 minutes complex from 1 @ 85%


1) Snatch + Heaving Snatch Balance
2) EMOM 5 minutes complex from 1 @ 85%

*Make sure you hit all positions correctly.


5 rounds for time:

  • 5 Deadlifts* (275/185)
  • 10 Burpee over the bar

*Form should be flawless throughout.

Tuesday 2013.02.04


12 minutes to establish a 2 repetition maximum Snatch with 2-count pause at the patella


3 rounds for time of:

  • 100m Kettlebell (53/35) farmer walk right hand
  • 15 KB snatches left hand
  • 100m KB farmer walk left hand
  • 15 KB snatches right hand

Tuesday 2013.01.28


1) 12 minutes to establish heaviest complex of 1 snatch + 2 Overhead Squat @ 30X1 tempo

2) Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes: 1 snatch + 2 OHS 30X1 tempo @ 85% (of best successful effort from 1)


3 Rounds:

  • 75 Double Unders
  • 20 Box Jumps (24/20)
  • 20 Toes to Bar

Friday 2013.10.11


15 minutes to establish a maximum weight for the following complex:

  • 1 Snatch (from ground)
  • 1 Hang Snatch (above knee)
  • 1 High Hang Snatch (hips)

This is a complex. The bar does not touch the ground once you begin.


For time:

  • 30 Toes to Bar
  • 20 Push Press (115/75)
  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 10 Push Press
  • 10 Toes to Bar
  • 5 Push Press

Running the CMC tomorrow? We have something specifically set up for you to prep for the race, so make sure to come into the gym today!

Monday 2013.09.09

Strength: 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single high hang snatch

Conditioning: 100 Burpees for time

*Every two minutes, including the first (00:00), do 5 strict pull ups or 5 rings rows (no bands). 12 minute cut-off, record time finished or number of burpees completed.

Daniel and Emily practicing sumo deadlifts with Courtney Modecki during Saturday’s strength seminar. Courtney competed as an individual in the 2013 CrossFit Games and finished 2nd place in the USA Power Lifting Nationals. Courtney founded the boot camp that, over the years, became Solidarity, and will be in Charlottesville training and guest coaching at Solidarity through September. We’re excited to have her at the gym for the next few weeks!