Saturday 2013.07.27

This is our last Bring a Friend Day until the fall! Bring a friend (or two) and come join in the fun at 10 a.m. Make sure to swing by the gym this afternoon for our CrossFit Games Watching Party  – we’ll have a grill and some beers, so bring some meat and a chair (if desired) and come by to hang out.


Kettlebell Swing


20 minutes to complete:

Working with a partner, “I go, you go Helen”

3 rounds:

  • 400m run
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
  • 12 Pull Ups

Partners complete the 400m runs together, and then alternate on the KB swings and pull ups.


As many burpees as possible, only one partner working at a time.

Score = 1 point for each repetition in Helen (198 possible) and 1 point for each burpee

Thursday 2013.07.25

Great work to all our athletes who ran the Downtown Mile last night! We had a ton of PRs!

Today is bring a friend day, so  bring in that friend/family member/co-worker who is curious about the crazy things you do at the gym; we have some fun in store today! After today Saturday will be your last chance until the fall.


Working in teams of two:

3x 160m Sled March (no running)

  • Partners switch every 40m.
  • Weight should be as heavy as possible but not so heavy you have to stop to rest during drags.
  • Rest as needed between efforts.


Working in teams of two, 15 minute, as many rounds as possible of:

  • 400m Team Sandbag 50/50s* (50/35)
  • I go, you go**:
    • 10 Ring Rows
    • 10 Box Jumps

*Partners must stay together on run; partner A carries seabag first 100m, both partners continue up hill to turnaround without seabag, then partner B carries seabag final 100m

**Partner A does 10 ring rows, then partner B does 10 ring rows; partner A does 10 box jumps, then partner B does 10 box jumps

Monday 2013.07.15

Next week on July 23rd, 25th, and 27th are your next chances to show a friend what this CrossFit thing is all about with Solidarity’s “Bring A Friend Day”! Start lining up some friends (victims?) now; you’ll be their personal tour guide for a Solidarity team workout!


A: Deadlift, 3×5 @75%

B: Deadlift, 5×1 @90%


Dynamic mobility, then:

800m Run x 2, rest 1:1

400m Run x 2, rest 2:1

200m Run x 2, rest 3:1

Thursday 2013.07.11

Mobilize: Front rack position


A: Front Squat, 3×10 @65%

B: Front Squat, 3-3-3-3-3


15 minutes, as many rounds as possible:

  • 200m 50/50 Sandbag Run (50/35)
  • 10 Weighted Sit Ups (behind the head 25/15)
  • 10 Ring Rows


Saturday 2013.06.29

Strength: Make Up


3 rounds for time:

  • 400m Run
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 50 Sit Ups