Saturday 2013.10.12

We have more than a dozen athletes competing in today’s Civilian Military Combine Mid-Atlantic Mountain Assault at Bryce Mountain. Send them warm thoughts!

One repetition maximum Front Squat

“Hefty Helen”

3 rounds for time:

  • Run 400m
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
  • 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Tuesday 2013.10.08


Every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes:

Odd: 7 Weighted Pull Ups
Even: 7 Weighted Ring Dips


For time:

  • 21 Deadlift (225/155)
  • Run 800m
  • 15 Deadlift
  • Run 800m
  • 9 Deadlift
  • Run 800m

Use no more than 65% of 1RM deadlift.

Compare to 2013.05.17.

Wednesday 2013.10.02


Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:

Odd: 7 Dead Hang Pull Ups

Even: 7 Handstand Push Ups (scale reps if you cannot finish these in under 30 seconds)


With a continuously running clock, run the given distance on the given minute:

0: 1 mile
12 minutes: 800m
18 minutes: 400m
21 minutes: 200m
23 minutes: 100m
24 minutes: 50m 

Tuesday 2013.09.17

Mobilize: Sink Stretch, 2 minutes each side

Gymnastics: Hollow body positioning practice, then

1 minute, 45 seconds, and 30 seconds of:

  • Handstand to wall, emphasizing hollow position
  • L-Sit or progression


3 rounds for time:

  • 7 Wall Walks
  • 21 Pull Ups
  • 400m Run

 Close: Foam roll lats

Friday 2013.09.13

Mobilize: Hips


12 minutes to work up to a heavy single high hang clean



3 rounds for time:

  • 400m Run
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings
  • 12 Pull Ups