Thursday 2012.12.20


Group A/B: Front Squat & Deadlift
Group C: Deadlift


Three rounds for time of,

  • 400m Run
  • 10 Weighted Step Ups
  • 10 Knees to Elbows/Toes to Bar


Saturday 2012.12.08

We’ll be heading to the Burley Middle School track for some running work…

30 minutes, continuously running clock:

At 0:00, 800m for time

At 10:00, 400m for time

At 16:00, 200m for time

At 20:00, every 2 minutes, 50m flying start sprint until 30:00.

Some running inspiration from the 2012 Olympics – just imagine these BBC announcers screaming you on towards the finish!

Tuesday 2012.12.04

Group A/B: Every 30 seconds, do 1 power clean for 10 minutes.
Group C: Press


 4 rounds for time:

  • 400m run
  • 6 burpee box jumps
  • 12 pull ups


Friday 2012.11.30

Strength: Two hang power snatches every minute on the minute for 8 minutes


For time:

Option 1:
Run 400m

7 rounds:

  • 7 Ring Dips
  • 14 Barbell Lunges (75/45)

Run 400m

Option 2:

Run 400m

7 rounds:

  • 4 Push Ups
  • 6 Dips
  • 14 Barbell Lunges (45/35)
Run 400m

Close: Sink stretch, 2 minutes

Monday 2012.11.26

Group A/B: Press & Squat
Group C: Squat


 Time Trial:
2K row
1 mile run

These are time trials, so leave it all out there!

Close: Mobility work of choice

Are you committing any of these common rowing technique errors? Watch, learn, and try to correct them.