Thursday 2013.01.10

Mobilize: Calves & Quadriceps Myofascial Work


Group A/B: Front Squat & Deadlift
Group C: Deadlift & Accessory of Choice



Three rounds for time of

  • 400m Run
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
  • 12 Pull Ups
Mobilize: Couch Stretch


Tuesday 2013.01.08




Group A/B: 12 minutes to work on handstands & progressions
Group C: Press


Run 800m, then 3 rounds of

  • 10 Ring Rows
  • 20 Sit Ups

Run 400m, then 3 rounds of

  • 10 Ring Rows
  • 20 Sit Ups

Tuesday 2013.01.01

Happy New Year!


Option 1: Team “Whitten”

Working with a partner, complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 22 KB swings (53/35)
  • 22 box jumps (24″/20″)
  • 400m run (run together or do 2 x 200m)
  • 22 burpees
  • 22 wall ball (20#/14#)

Option 2: “Whitten”

Complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 22 KB swings (70/53)
  • 22 box jumps (24″/20″)
  • 400m run
  • 22 burpees
  • 22 wall ball (20#/14#)

Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died February 2, 2010, when enemy forces in Zabul, Afghanistan, attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. Whitten is survived by his wife, Starr Whitten, his mother, Jill Whitten, his father, Dan Whitten, and his sister, U.S. Army Captain Sarah Whitten.

Friday 2012.12.28


A/B: In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy double (1L/1R) Turkish Get-Up

C: Bench Press


3 Rounds for time of,

  • 200m Run
  • 7 Dumbell Push Press (70/50)
  • 14 Ring Rows

Saturday 2012.12.22

Holiday hours reminder: We are closed on December 24 and 25th and will only be having evening classes on December 26th.

For time:
  • 800m run
  • 5 rounds:
    • 10 KB thrusters (53/35)
    • 10 box jumps (30″/24″)
  • 800m run