Friday 2012.11.09

Strength: Power Clean


3 rounds for time:

  • 100m Farmer’s walk /w Kettlebells (53/35)
  • 3 rounds “Cindy”
    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 squats

Close: 10 minutes in bottom of a squat

Thursday 2012.11.01

Skill: GHD Sit Up

Strength: Deadlift


For time:

  • 30 step ups (20″ box) each leg – 52/35 KB in each hand
  • 50 strict pull ups
  • 100 banded good mornings

Break up as desired and scale appropriately to maintain a steady pace throughout. 


Monday 2012.10.22

Open: Hip super-squat sequence

Strength: Back Squat, 3×5


4 rounds for time:

  • Max reps push ups
  • Max reps pull ups
  • 15 toes to bar
  • 250m row

Post total pull ups, push ups, and time to comments.

Monday 2012.10.15

Strength: Back Squat, 3×5



  • Thrusters (95/65)
  • Pull Ups

Compare to June 21.

Close: 2 min hip flexor stretch, each leg

We saw some great work on Saturday! Gorgeous weather for a workout…