Memorial Day: We will be offering one class on Memorial Day – 10:30 a.m. After that, we are back to our regular schedule.

Other fun stuff!
June Nutrition Challenge: Exercise is only one component of a healthy lifestyle.  It is a small part compared to the things you do the other 23 hours in the day, such as nutrition and rest/recovery. Additionally, many people find that changing their nutrition helps them achieve body composition goals, i.e. “abs are made in the kitchen.” If you are interested in participating in our June nutrition challenge and haven’t let me know already, please send me an e-mail!  I’ll be sending out more details later this week.

Saturday workouts: We will be offering free park workouts for the next 3 Saturdays – June 2, 9, and 16.  Friends and family are welcome!  We will be doing team-based workouts that should be fun for everyone.

Have a safe and fun holiday weekend!