Tuesday 2024.10.08


Strict press

Take 8 mins to find a 8 rep max

Take 50% of max weight and do 2 AMRAP sets
–rest about 2 mins between AMRAP sets–


For Time, with a partner:

80-100 Cal Row (Partner 1 rows while Partner 2 holds a plank)
60 Box Step ups (OPWAAT)
40 Pull ups (OPWAAT)
20 Hang Power Cleans (OPWAAT)
40-50 Cal Bike (Partner 1 bikes while Partner 2 holds a plank)

Cap: 19 min


Today’s workout is a partner workout of rowing, box step ups, pull ups, hang power cleans and biking. The entire workout is One partner working at a time, splitting the reps as you deem necessary. A stipulation is that on the row and bike, the non working partner must be holding a push up plank.

The rows should be broken up into 10-15 cals a piece. The step ups, can also be broken up in a similar fashion.

The pull ups should be something that can be broken up into manageable sets. Ideally 10s, but if you and your partner want to break up smaller in sets of 5, then you can, if it’s smaller then that, scale to a ring row.

The hang power cleans should be a mod. heavy weight. Something that may take two sets each, 5-7 reps/partner.

The bike should be whatever you have left.

Monday 2024.10.07


20 min AMRAP:

200m run (or could be 250m row)
12 Box Jump Overs, 24/20″
10 Dumbbell Snatches
8 Toes to Bar


Today’s workout is a 20 min AMRAP of Running, box jump overs, dumbbell snatches and toes to bar. This will be retested at the end of our cycle.

Today’s workouts is all about picking a sustainable pace and sticking to it. The run should be done in 90 seconds or less from the first round, and trying to hold that, scale as necessary.

The box jump overs should be smooth and steady, and the transition to the dumbbell should be quick and unbroken reps. Step overs can also be performed.

If you have more then 3 strung toes to bar, go for all 8 today. If not, go for hanging knee raises.

Post Workout Accessory Work

2 Sets:

A. Lu Raises- 8-10 reps
B. Wall Angel – 3-4 slow controlled reps
C. Plate overhead stretch 5-7 reps with a :05 hold on last rep

Saturday 2024.10.05


Teams of 3: Waterfalling

3 Rounds for Time (each pa. does 3 rounds)
20/15 Calorie Row
20 American Kettlebell Swing
150 ft Single Kettlebell Suitcase Carry

–rest 2:00–

2 Rounds for time
25/20 cal row
8/arm Clean and jerk
100 ft Single Arm Front Rack carry

–rest 2:00–

1 Round for time
30/25 Calorie Row
6/arm Kettlebell snatch
50 fot Kettlebell Overhead Carry

Time Cap: 30 min cap


Today our workout is teams of 3, where each partner is waterfall-ing in after the other. How this will work, is parter 1 will start their row, as soon as partner 1 has completed their row, partner 2 will work on their row, while partner 1 works on their kettlebell swing. If you get to a point where a partner is on the movement you are moving onto, then you can rest, but the work should still be somewhat equal.

Note that each partner will complete 3 rounds before their rest. Your rest clock starts as soon as you finish your 3 rounds. Note the same order will occur for the 2 rounds and single round section.

The Carries should be an unbroken weight, and the KB movements should all either be unbroken or in 2 sets.

Friday 2024.10.04


Flash back Friday – Open 18.2 and 18.2a

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
•Dumbbell squats
•Bar-facing burpees

then find a 1rm clean

Time cap: 15 minutes to complete 18.2 and 18.2a


Today’s workout is Open workout 18.2 and 18.2a. You will have 15 mins to complete the 1-10, and in the remaining time, find a heavy clean, performed anyhow. The score will be time to complete Part A, with a separate section to input clean score.

An ascending ladder is all about moving smoothly. The first 5 rounds will go by super quickly, but at that point you have barley completed 50% of the work.

Use a squat weight that you never have to drop, or maybe only break up from the round of 8 on.

The burpees should be smooth and steady.

We will be warming up your clean before the workout, make first opening weight a smart conservative weight to give you confidence, then jump.

Thursday 2024.10.03


Take 10:00 to build a heavy set of 5

then drop to 50% of heavy and do 2 AMRAP sets with 3:00 in between sets


For Time:
8-10 Shuttle Runs (20 feet down and back)
75 empty bar push press
50 Russian kettlebell swings
25 box jumps

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is for time. Your score in SugarWOD will be the time it takes to complete the chipper, with a 10 min time cap.

The 10 shuttle runs should be about a minute of work, note they are shorter then normal, 20 feet down, 20 feedback =1

The 75 empty bar push presses can be broken up, this should be a burning feeling, Dumbbells can also be subbed if needed.

The Russian KBs should also be broken up, but should be in bigger sets, larger than 10.

The box jumps should be steady singles, noting that for the box jump, you will stand up all the way before stepping back down.

Wednesday 2024.10.02


10 minute emom

1 power snatch (pos. 1) + 1 power snatch (pos. 2)


“Fire Alarm”

2 Rounds for Time, with a Partner:

40 Toes to Rope
15 Synchro Hang power snatch
20 floor complexes:
30m farmer carry

1 Floor Complex = 1 Single Leg V-up/side + 1 Full V-up

Time Cap: 15 minute cap


Today’s workout is 2 rounds for time with a Partner. Your score will be the time it takes you to complete 2 rounds, with a 15 min cap.

The Toes to rope will be completed by hanging from a rope, and aiming to get your toes to touch above your head. A rope hanging knee raise can be a good modification. You can break these into manageable sets between you and your partner.

The synchro Hang power snatch should be a weight that is moderately heavy, that you can hold onto either unbroken, or 2 sets with you and your partner. The rep doesn’t need to be “completed” synchro; however, you must wait in a overhead lockout for your partner if they do not reach lockout at the same time before completing your next rep.

We have a floor complex with V-ups. A bent knee/tucked v-up is a good scale today. Alternating this complex may be a good strategy.

You and your partner must complete a 30m farmer’s carry. This is one partner working at a time, so the non working partner can follow with a walk or jog. Switch whenever. Weight should be heavy.