Tuesday 2024.09.03


Every minute x 3 rounds:
power snatch (pos 2) + OHS

rest 1 min

Every minute x 4 rounds:
power snatch + snatch (pos. 2)

rest 1 min

Every minute x 4 rounds
snatch (pos 2) + snatch


5 rounds for time

200m run
5 clean & jerks

11 minute cap


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of a 200m run and 5 clean and jerks. Your score is the time it takes the workout, or the amount if work completed in 11 minutes if you do not finish.

The run shouldn’t take much more than :75. Reduce the distance if necessary.

The barbell should be a moderate-heavy weight, allowing you to perform one rep every :08-:10 or so.

Monday 2024.09.02


Teams of 3, AMRAP 33

19 power cleans OPWAAT
33 synchro air squats
45 pull ups OPWAAT
65 total calories between two machines


Today’s workout is in honor of [Frances Perkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Perkins), a workers-rights advocate who served as Secretary of Labor from 1933-1945–the longest tenure ever in that position.

In addition to being the first female to ever serve in a presidential cabinet, Perkins also played an instrumental role in crafting FDR’s New Deal legislation. Most notably, Perkins was heavily involved in the creation of Social Security, unemployment insurance, the federal minimum wage, and laws regulating child labor–along with many other New Deal policies aimed at creating a viable social safety net for the first time in America.

Following her career in government, Perkins would go on to teach and lecture at the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University until her death in 1965.


This workout is a 33 minute AMRAP to be completed in teams of 3. Each round consists of 19 power cleans, 33 synchronized air squats, 45 pull ups, and 65 total calories between two machines. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 25 minutes.

The power cleans will be completed with one person working at a time(OPWAAT). Use a moderate-heavy weight that allows you to complete 1 rep every :06-:08. Switch teammates as often as necessary.

To synchronize the air squats all teammates must be in the bottom of their squat and at the top of their squat at the same time. Be sure to hit full depth at the bottom and reach full extension of the knees and hips at the top.

The pull ups will also be completed OPWAAT style. You may substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows if necessary. Pick a variation that allows you to complete at least 5 unbroken reps at a time before switching teammates.

Each team will have two machines for calories. The total calories on both machines must add up to 65. For instance, if one machine reaches 35 calories and the other reaches 30, then 35+30=65 calories and your team has completed the round. Switch partners as often as necessary to maintain a relatively high intensity on this.

Saturday 2024.08.31

Bring a Friend Day

Teams of 4, AMRAP 20:00

200m run together
10 synchro pushup relay (TPWAAT)
5 synchro highfive burpees
10 toes to bar relay


Welcome friends! Today you will be working in teams of 4 on a 20 minute AMRAP of a 200m run as a team, 10 synchronized pushup relay with two people working at a time, 5 synchronized highfive burpees, and a 10 toes to bar relay. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed across the 20 minutes.

The 200m run shouldn’t take much more than :75. Reduce the distance if necessary. Unless a partner is scaling, stick together with your teammates. The pushups cannot start until everyone is in from the run.

For the pushups, two people will be doing synchronized pushups while the other two partners rest. After the first two finish their 10 reps, they will rest while the second pair does their pushups. Elevate your hands if necessary to allow the 10 reps to be completed in 1-2 quick sets.

Make sure your team is on the ground together and in the air together during the highfive of the burpees.

For the toes to bar, this will be pure relay style. That means partner 1 will do 10 toes to bar while the other teammates rest. Once partner 1 finishes 10 reps, partner 2 will go. You will continue in this fashion until each teammate has completed 10 reps. These should be done in 1-2 quick sets. Substitute hanging knee raises, v-ups, or tuck ups if necessary.

Friday 2024.08.30


A) power clean + front squat : 1+ w/ :03 pause in bottom on last rep
B) bench press: x

rest :90 between movements


AMRAP 3:00 x 2 rounds
10 American kb swing
8-10 calories
10 wall balls
rest 1:00


Today’s workout is two 3-minute AMRAPS, separated by 1 minute of rest. During the 3 minute intervals you will get as many rounds and reps as possible of 10 American kettlebell swings, 8-10 calories, and 10 wall balls. Your score is the worst of the two rounds.

The kettlebell swings should be a moderate weight that allows you to get the 10 reps unbroken each round without hesitating to pick the kettlebell up. Scale to the Solidarity standard of getting the bell above the eyeline if you are unable to go all the way overhead.

The calories should be done in about :30 or less each round. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The wall balls, like the swings, should be a moderate weight that allows you to go unbroken throughout without hesitating to pick the ball or or to move onto the next round after finishing.

Thursday 2024.08.29


3 sets

A. :20-:30 wall facing handstand scissor kicks OR :35-:45 wall facing hs hold or angled wall hold

B. 4-7 box handstand push up w/ 21×1 tempo


15 min EMOM:

Min 1: 2 shuttle runs + max strict pull up
Min 2: 5 burpee over DB + max DB hang snatch
Min 3: rest

* Shuttle run and burpee increase by 1 reach round


Today’s workout is a 15 minute EMOM. This means a new round starts at the top of each minute. Minute 1 starts with 2 shuttle runs, followed by as many strict pullups as possible in the remaining time. Minute 2 starts with 5 burpees over a dumbbell, followed by as many db hang snatches in the remaining time. Minute 3 is rest. Each round, you will increase the amount of shuttle runs and burpees by 1 rep. Your score is the amount of pullups and hang snatches accumulated across the workout.

You should have at least :15 to work on the AMRAP movements in each round. If at any point you are getting less than that, scale the buy-in movements accordingly.

Strict pull ups can be scaled to ring rows if necessary. Pick a variation that allows you to get sets of 3-5 at a time or more, repeatedly.

The hang dumbbell snatch should be a moderate weight that allows you to hold on for most of, if not all, the rest of the minute.

Wednesday 2024.08.28


With a partner, AMRAP 15:00

:90 intervals switching with your partner. Pickup where your partner left off

6 deadlifts
12 box jump over
15-18 calories


Today’s workout is a 15 minute AMRAP of 6 deadlifts, 12 box jump overs, and 15-18 calories. This workout will be done with a partner, and you will take turns working with your partner every :90, picking up where your partner left off. Your score is the total amount of rounds and reps your team completes in 15 minutes.

The deadlifts can be a moderate-heavy weight and should be unbroken every set. Make sure you prioritize quality positions and choose a weight that will allow you to do this throughout the workout.

Pick a safe height for your box jump overs that allows you to move quickly without hesitation or fear of missing a rep. Be sure to step down from each rep.

The calories shouldn’t take much more than a minute per round. Reduce the amount if necessary.

Strength Accessory

2-3 sets

A1) Arnold Press: 10-12 reps
A2) Cuban Rotations: 15-20 reps
–rest 30-60seconds between movements–

2-3 Sets:

B1) Alternating Hammer Curls: 12-16 reps
B2) 25 Prone Overhead Banded Tricep Extensions