Thursday 2024.11.21


Back Squat

Take 15 mins to build to a heavy double


For Time:
21 Thruster
21 Burpee Pullups
15 Thrusters
15 Burpee Pull ups
9 Thrusters
9 Burpee Pull ups

Time Cap: 12 min


Thruster weight should be something you can hold onto for 2-3 sets for the 21, 1-2 for the 15, and trying for unbroken on the 9. For the burpee pull-up, you can jump right from the jump into the pullup, or jump into a kip swing for a kipping pullup. Scale to a jumping pullup from a box, or a superset of burpees and ring rows if needed.

Wednesday 2024.11.20


20 min AMRAP:

200m run (or could be 250m row)
12 Box Jump Overs, 24/20″
10 Dumbbell Snatches
8 Toes to Bar


Today’s workout is a 20 min AMRAP of Running, box jump overs, dumbbell snatches and toes to bar. This is a retest from the beginning of our cycle.

Today’s workouts is all about picking a sustainable pace and sticking to it. The run should be done in 90 seconds or less from the first round, and trying to hold that, scale as necessary.

The box jump overs should be smooth and steady, and the transition to the dumbbell should be quick and unbroken reps. Step overs can also be performed.

If you have more then 3 strung toes to bar, go for all 8 today. If not, go for hanging knee raises.

Tuesday 2024.11.19


Power clean
Take 15 mins to build to a heavy single

— rest 5:00–

then power clean battery test


Power clean battery test

8:00 AMRAP:

Power Cleans @ 90% of heavy


Today’s workout will be retested at the end of our cycle and is our Clean Battery test. You will take 8 mins to find as many reps as you can of 90% of the lift you hit previously. Your score will be the amount of power cleans you hit in the 8:00s

Keep track of both makes and misses

Monday 2024.11.18


Take 10 minutes to find a max height seated box jump


15 min EMOM

Min 1- 15-20 Calorie machine
Min 2- Max Walking lunges with one DB
Min 3- rest


Calories should be done with about 10 seconds left, moving right onto the lunges. For the lunges, we’re looking for one steady minute of movement. The DB can be held anyway, but one hand must be on the DB at all times. We’re looking for at least 15 reps each minute, so adjust DB weight accordingly.

Saturday 2024.11.16


Teams of 3:

600m team run
60 Box Jump Overs
50 Cal Row
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
400m Run
40 DBL DB Box Step-overs
30 Cal Row
30 DBL DB Burpee Box Step-overs
200m run
20 DBL DB Devil Press + DBL DB Box Step-overs

Cap: 30 min


DBL DB Burpee Box Step-overs –
DBL DB Devil Press + DBL DB Box Step-overs –
(Note the DP includes a step over, not step up).

Break amongst the team, one partner working at a time. Any BBJO can become a step over. Choose DB weights that will allow you to hit at least 2-3 reps as a partner before needing to switch.

Friday 2024.11.15


1. Build to RPE 8-9 for a single on the split jerk in 9 minutes

–rest 1 minute —

2. Every 2:00 x 4 sets
3 reps at 80% of your top weight


10-Min AMRAP:

1-2-3-4… Clean & Jerks
2-4-6-8… Toes-to-Bar


Score is the total amount of reps. goal would be to finish the round of 6 or more. The Clean and Jerks should be a moderately heavy weight, where you are probably doing singles for every rep. The toes to the bar should be one in big sets from 1-5, but maybe breaking the 6 and 8 to be strategic.

The Toes to bar can become toes to air, or V-ups (v-ups or sit ups would be 3-6-9-12…)