Saturday 2017.06.03


*Weightlifting Class at 0845 is canceled today*

Teams of 3, as many round as possible in in 25 minutes, one person working at a time (except run):

  • 600m Sandbag Carry (60/40, all 3 partners run, switch of bag as needed)
  • 60 Toes to Bar
  • 60 Overhead Squats (135/95)(95/65)(75/45)
  • 60 Burpees

Saturday 2017.05.27

zach action


Working in teams of 2 or 3, OPWAAT, :

  • 90 Wall Ball (20/14)
  • 7 High Five Synchro Burpees
  • 29 Squat Cleans (135/95)
  • 7 High Five Synchro Burpees
  • 29 Power Snatches (135/195)
  • 7 High Five Synchro Burpees
  • 29 Squat Cleans (135/95)
  • 2013m Row

Saturday 2017.05.20

zach jumping over photographer

0730 Roger’s 50th Birthday 50k Row Begins

0845 Weightlifting

1000 CrossFit

Working in teams of four, for time:

  • 400m Farmers Carry (70/53, two bells, EMOM 5 Burpees for everyone)
  • 75 In-Unison KB Swings (70/53) – 2 people working, 2 people resting
  • 75 In-Unison Goblet Squats (70/53) – 2 people working, 2 people resting
  • 75 in-Unison Jumping Lunges, synced at full extension at top
  • 400m run (together)

Saturday 2017.05.12

Danielle push press

0845 Weightlifting

1000 CrossFit

Working in teams of three, 25 minutes, as many rounds as possible of:

  • Burpees over box: 1,2,3,4, & 5 repetition relay (each teammate does 1, then each does 2, etc.)
  • Team 400m run
  • Pull up relay: 5, 10,  & 15 repetition relay (each teammate does 5, then each does 10, etc.)
  • Team 400m run

Runs together; relays OPWAAT

Saturday 2017.05.06


This is Coach Erica’s final day in Charlottesville! This workout is the first team workout she ever did at Solidarity on September 5th 2013 with Gabby (see picture above).

In teams of two, complete AMRAP in 40 minutes. Work in any order. Order can change each round. Once started, each station (except burpees) must be completed before moving to the next (Pro-tip: spread the burpees out at times when you are waiting for equipment). Everything must be completed before moving to the next round.

  • 160m Sled drag (300/200), partners can work together, take turns, or any combination of the two. They can pull or push, together or separately, just move the sled through the 160m course.
  • 6 x 16′ Rope Climbs, one partner working at a time
  • 800m Seabag Carry (50/35- one seabag per team), partners can work together, take turns, or any combination of the two. Just move the seabag through the 800m course.
  • 50 Sledgehammer strikes (10/8), one partner working at a time. Hit the tire like you mean it.
  • 10 Big Tire Flips, partners can work together, take turns, or any combination of the two. If you can’t lift the big tire as a team, you may recruit one coach or one opponent team member to assist.
  • 50 Slam Ball (40/30), one partner working at a time. Slam the ball like you mean it
  • 60 Burpees, one partner working at a time. Burpees can be split up throughout the round at teams’ discretion.