Friday 2015.01.16


15 minutes to work on Split Jerk technique


3 Rounds:

  • 1 max effort (ME) set of bench press @ bodyweight or 65% (whichever is lower)
  • 1 ME set of strict pull ups
  • 800m Run

Recover ~3 minutes. Record reps & run time for each round.

Wednesday 2015.01.14

So many PRs!


Work up to a heavy triple hang snatch, then two drop sets at -5% & -10%


4 Rounds:

  • 12 Power Snatch (75/53)
  • 48 Double Unders

Rest 1 minute.

Reminder: please avoid dropping 15# plates from above hip height on the men’s bars.

Tuesday 2015.01.13


1A) Fitness: 3×5 Press LP, then add 10 to 20% and do 2×5 Push Press

Performance: Heavy triple push press, then two drop sets at -5% & -10%

1B) 3×20 (10L/10R) Dumbbell Rows AHAP, use benches


Working in teams of two, row 3k meters:

Partner One

  • Row 300m
Partner Two
  • 8 Handstand Push Ups
  • 12 Toes to Bar
  • 8 Strict Ring Dips

Do not switch until you are both finished. Continue until you complete all 3k meters. 

Monday 2015.01.12


Work up to a heavy triple hang clean, then two drop sets at -5% & -10%



  • Overhead Squats (115/75)
  • Burpees over Bar

Rest :30 then 1 minute of max double unders

Saturday 2015.01.10

Working in teams of four:

500m Row Relay

10 Rounds of Cindy (one person at each station including a rest station, rotate when everyone is finished, each athlete does each station 10 times):

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Hand Release Push Ups
  • 15 Air Squats

500m Row Relay