Monday 2015.03.02



1) Front Squat, 3×5 Linear Progression

2) Back Squat, 3×5 Linear Progression


Working off of your 1RM front squat,  Front-Back Squat:

2x 3-6 @ 80%
2x 2-4 @ 90%

Do front squats, rerack bar, take a breath, then immediately do back squats.


3 Rounds:

  • :20 Max Effort (ME) Thrusters (115/75)
  • :20 Rest
  • :20 ME Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • :20 Rest

Immediately followed by,

3 Rounds:

  • :20 ME Thrusters (95/65)
  • :20 Rest
  • :20 ME Pull Ups
  • :20 Rest

This plays out as six consecutive rounds. Athletes must change weight during the rest following their third round. Keep effort at 90% or below and focus on form and moving smoothly through the entire piece.

Saturday 2015.02.28

Yoga night!

0845 Weightlifting

Snatch skill work as prescribed.

1000 CrossFit

Today  (and the next four Saturdays) we are doing the CrossFit Games Open workout for the week. You do not have to be registered for the Open to come in and do this workout. If you are registered for the open, be sure to let a coach know so we can arrange a judge. You must turn in a signed scorecard in order to get your score validated.


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:

  • 15 toes-to-bars
  • 10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
  • 5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)


6 minutes to establish a 1-rep-max clean and jerk

Workouts must be completed as a single 15 minute piece.

Friday 2015.02.27

The CrossFit Games season has begun! Thanks to everyone who came out last night to watch the 15.1 announcement with us. Fridays will be a flex day of sorts during the next five weeks of the Open. You will have several choices today:

  1. Come in and do skill or prep work for Open workout 15.1 on Saturday. Brush up on movements in the workout or do a sample round to test pacing etc. or simply talk strategy with coaches and other competitors.
  2. Do the Solidarity CrossFit workout for the day (below). This will be a good option for those not doing the Open and who want to work out on both Friday and Saturday.
  3. Do CrossFit Open workout 15.1 & 15.1a . For those who won’t be able to come Saturday but want to do 15.1. Anyone doing 15.1 for the Open must have a judge and turn in a signed score card to get their score validated.


Fitness: 1) Press, 3×5 Linear Progression

2) Add 10-20% and do 3×3 Push Press

Performance: Push Press, 3×3 @ 80%


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Ring Rows

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

10 Ring Rows (RR), 1 Kettlebell Swings (KBS), 9 RR, 2 KBS, 8 RR, 3 KBS…

Rest 1 minute, then max double unders in a minute.

Wednesday 2015.02.25


Fitness: Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean, work to a heavy single then back off ~20% work singles as time allows. If clean deadlift is consistent, work in cleans from the ground.

Performance: Three Position Clean: High Hang + Hang + 2″ above Floor


Teams of two, three rounds:

Station 1:

  • 250m Row

Station 2:

  • 12 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Box Jumps (24/20)

Each start at a different station. Only switch when both are done. Both will complete each station three times.

Tuesday 2015.02.24


Fitness: Snatch deadlift + hang snatch, work to a heavy single then back off ~20% work singles as time allows. If snatch deadlift is consistent, work from the ground.

Performance: Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat


8 Rounds:

  • 1 minute to complete 10 burpees, then
  • max Double Unders in time remaining

Rest 1 Minute.

Score is number of double unders.