Tuesday 2015.06.02



Fitness: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes, one deadlift at new linear progression weight. Do not work up.

Performance: Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes, one deadlfit paused one second 2″ off ground. Start at 75%. You may work up, but keep form tight.


Every minute on the minute for 14 minutes:

  • Even minutes, 8 Front Rack Lunges (155/95)
  • Odd minutes, 10 Burpees

Aim to have at least 20 seconds rest at the end of each minute, especially at the start. Scale weight or burpees accordingly.

Monday 2015.06.01

JT last day!
1) Fitness: Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 8 minutes, one full clean or hang clean.  Start light and work up in weight. If form degrades then drop weight back down.

Performance: EMOM for 8 minutes, one full clean. Start at 75%; you may work up but there should be zero misses.

2a) Bench Press

Fitness: 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Bench Press, 5RM, then drop sets at 95% & 90%

2b) Pendlay Rows with a one second pause at chest, 3x 10 AHAP

Optional independent work:

3a) Fat Grip Bilateral Farmer’s Walk, 25m x 3 AHAP

3b) 3×8 Barbell Rollouts, sub weighted planks (3x :30) if necessary

Saturday 2015.05.30

Jasonn DL

0845 Weightlifting

1) Clean & Jerk, paused 1 second 2″ off Ground & 1 second in jerk receiving position, 40%/3, 50%/3, 60%/2, 70%/2, 75%/2, 80%/1, then max with no misses

2) Press 3RM, then drop sets at 95% & 90%

1000 Conditioning

Working in teams of three, OPWAAT, complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:

  • 200m Sprint Relay
  • 5x 16′ Rope climbs
  • 10 Handstand Push Ups
  • 15 Deadlifts (225/155)
  • 20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
  • 25 Pull Ups


Friday 2015.05.29



Back Squat

Fitness: 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Work to a 3RM with a three second pause at bottom during first rep only. Then two drop sets at 90% with no pauses.


3 Rounds:

  • 50 Double Unders
  • 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 15 Toes to Bar

Wednesday 2015.05.27

sydney deadlift


Fitness: Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 15 minutes, one full snatch or hang snatch.  Start light and work up in weight. If form degrades then drop weight back down.

Performance: EMOM for 15 minutes, one full snatch with a three second pause in receiving position. Start at 70%; you may work up but there should be zero misses.


Teams of two, accumulate as many meters as possible:

  • 1:00
  • 2:00
  • 3:00
  • 2:00
  • 1:00

Both teammates row each time portion for a total of 9 minutes of work a piece. Allow :15 transition time.