Tuesday 2024.10.15


Power Clean Battery Work

Every :15 x 10 @ 60% of 1rm power clean

1 power clean

–rest 1:30–

X3 sets



For Time:

Burpee Box Jump Overs
Cals on machine

Cap: 9 min


Today’s workout is a descending rep scheme of BBJO, V-ups, and calories on a machine.

The burpee box jump overs should be a height that will allow you to move smoothly, without much rest. A step up/down is allowed on the burpee. You can also step over the box if needed.

The V-ups should be unbroken and push aggressively . Sub to a movement like bent knee V-ups or lemon squeezers to allow for fast reps. Lemon Squeezer -> https://youtu.be/vF-AhWEm634

Pick a pace on the machines that is aggressive, but not pushing a redline until you get closer to the end of the workout.

Intention is to start out smooth and get faster as you go.

Goal: 6-8 minutes

Monday 2024.10.14


Every 3:00 x 4 sets

A. Push Press – 4 reps @ 20×1 tempo
(2 sec lower, 1 sec at top)

In between sets hit:
B. Behind the neck Split Press- 8-10 reps, super light”



11 min AMRAP

44 double unders
33 wall balls
22 Toes to Bar
11 Power Snatches


Score is total rounds and reps in 11 mins.

Double unders should be an amount that is done in 30-45 seconds. Hold yourself to a. minute hard cap.Scale to single unders if needed

The wall balls should should be broken into smooth sets, and being able to transition right into the toes to bar.

For the toes to bar, pick a rep scheme that can stay unbroken through multiple rounds in the AMRAP. Toes to Air, Hanging knee raises, or V-ups are options.

The power snatches should be a weight that can either be done in steady singles, or 2-3 sets. Moderately heavy today.

Goal: 2+ rounds

Saturday 2024.10.12


Teams of 3:

Buy in: In 2 min, 1 Partner from each team accumulates one of the following:

P1- Max Handstand hold against wall or plank hold
P2- Max Machine Calories
P3- Max Renegade Rows

–rest 2:00 into–

15 min ARMRAP

Hand Release Push ups or shspu
Toes to Bar
Box Jump Over
Power Snatch


Today our workout is teams of 3, that is 2 parts. Part 1 will selecting one partner to complete each max rep segment in the 2 min window. From there, everyone will rest 2:00 and perform a 15 min AMRAP of hand release push ups, toes to bar, and box jump overs.

Be smart with your breaks in the 2 min working window. You can rest as you need to on the handstand hold, just keep track of total working time. Same on renegade rows. Machine should most likely be done the entire time.

For the AMRAP, this will be OPWAAT, using a tag out style. You can switch partners at any point. You can also perform strict handstand push ups or a variation of handstand push ups.

The snatches should be a weight that can be cycled for multiple reps, think moderate.

Friday 2024.10.011


A. Power clean
Take 15 mins to build to a heavy single

— rest 5:00–

then power clean battery test


Power Clean Battery Test

8:00 AMRAP:

Power Cleans @ 90% of heavy


Today’s workout will be retested at the end of our cycle and is our Clean Battery test. You will take 8 mins to find as many reps as you can of 90% of the lift you hit previously. Your score will be the amount of power cleans you hit in the 8:00.

Keep track of both makes and misses.

Thursday 2024.10.10


Test week:

Take 10 minutes to find a max height seated box jump


EMOM 10:00

Min 1: 10 Thrusters
Min 2: 8,9,10,11,12 Burpees over the bar

if you fail to finish burpees in the minute, drop back to 8 reps and rebuild for the remaining rounds


Today’s workout is a 10 min EMOM of thrusters and burpees over the bar. Your score will be the total amount of burpees you perform in the EMOM.

The Thruster weight should be a unbroken weight that you can push the pace on. The burpees can be lateral or bar facing. The goal should be to move at a smooth pace to start out, with the understanding that you will need to increase the pace as the workout goes on.