Monday 2024.07.08


Power Snatch

min 1-4: 2 reps at RPE 7
min 5-8: 1 rep at RPE 7-8

straight into snatch pull rounds:
Every :90 x 4 rounds
5 reps @ 85-90% max snatch


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 20 wall balls, 10-12 calories, 10 double dumbbell push presses, and another 10-12 calories. Your score is the time it takes to complete 4 rounds, or the amount of work completed if you do not finish in 11 minute or less.

Aim to be unbroken on the wall balls and push press throughout the workout.

The calories should be completed in :40 or less each set. Adjust the amount if necessary.


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 20 wall balls, 10-12 calories, 10 double dumbbell push presses, and another 10-12 calories. Your score is the time it takes to complete 4 rounds, or the amount of work completed if you do not finish in 11 minute or less.

Aim to be unbroken on the wall balls and push press throughout the workout.

The calories should be completed in :40 or less each set. Adjust the amount if necessary.

Saturday 2024.07.06


Teams of 3 or 4

Cash in:
24 rope climbs OPWAAT

3 rounds waterfall style except the burpees
15 overhead squats
19 toes to bar
22 synchro high five burpees

Cash out:
1.5 mile run as a team


Today’s workout is in honor of Coach Noelle, who is leaving Solidarity to move to San Antonio, Texas. Noelle joined Solidarity in 2019, began coaching in 2022, and is leaving in 2024. This explains the numbers 19, 22, and 24 in the rep scheme. Noelle is an absolute legend at Solidarity and will truly be missed.

Teams of 3 or 4 people will begin with a 24 rope climb cash-in. They will then do 3 rounds of 15 OHS, 19 TTB, and 22 synchro high-5 burpees. The OHS and TTB will be completed waterfall style. The workout will end with a 1.5 mile run as a team.

Switch every rep with your teammates on the rope climb. Scale to climbing halfway up the rope, hanging knee raises, or rope lowers if you are not proficient with the foot lock or confident on the rope.

The overhead squat should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. The toes to bar should be completed in 2-3 sets each round. Scale to knee raises, straight leg raises, or v-ups.

Teams must be high-fiving each other while in the air together to synchronize the burpee.

Aim to hold at least a 9 minute mile pace on the run. If this sounds unrealistic, consider scaling to a mile or less.

Friday 2024.07.05

Strength & Mobility

Overhead Squat:

Find a heavyish set of 5 @ 21×1 without missing any reps

then do 2-3 sets/side of 6-8 feet elevated split squats at 30×0 tempo with :60 rest between sets


400-500m row
25 dumbbell box stepovers
20 burpees over the rower
400-500m row
25 double db hang clean and jerks
20 squat jumps

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is a 400-500m row, 25 db box stepovers, 20 burpees over the rower, another 400-500m row, and then 25 double db hang clean and jerks and 20 squat jumps. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the reps. You have 12 minutes.

The row should be completed in about 2 minutes.

Use the same set of dumbbells for the stepovers and clean & jerks. They should each be completed in about 3 sets.

Try to find a consistent pace on the burpees. You can step over the rower if you are uncomfortable jumping, or scale to regular burpees.

Try to do the squat jumps in 1-2 sets.

Wednesday 2024.07.03


with a partner, AMRAP 25

10 shuttle runs OPWAAT
40 double kettlebell deadlifts OPWAAT
500ft farmer carry
*calories during farmer carry

rest 1 minute after each round


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP to be performed with a partner. Each round consists of 10 shuttle runs, 40 double kettlebell deadlifts, and a 500ft farmer carry + calories simultaneously. You will rest 1 minute after each round. The shuttle runs and deadlifts will be completed with one person working at a time (OPWAAT). For the farmer carry, one person will do a 250m farmers carry while the other person accumulates calories on a machine. After the 250m, partners will switch. Your scores are the amount of rounds and reps completed in 25 minutes as well as the total amount of calories accumulated.

The shuttle runs should be completed in about a minute or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The deadlifts and farmer’s carry will be done with the same set of kettlebells. The deadlifts should be completed in sets of 10-20 at a time and the farmer carry should take 1-2 sets for 250ft.

Try to find a fast but sustainable pace on the calories.

Tuesday 2024.07.02

Strength & Mobility

3-4 rounds

dips x 6-8 reps @ 31×1 tempo
straddle pancake progression x 10 reps + :10 hold on last rep
dumbbell row x 8-10/side


2 pull ups, 2 push ups
1 wall walk

4 pull ups, 4 push ups
2 wall walks

6 pull ups, 6 push ups
3 wall walks

8 pull ups, 8 push ups,
4 wall walks

10 pull ups, 10 push ups
5 wall walks

*8-10 calories after each set of wall walks

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of pushups, pull ups, wall walks, and calories. Round 1 will consist of 2 pull ups, 2 push ups, and 1 wall walk, followed by 8-10 calories. Each successive round will add another 2 pull ups, 2 push ups, and 1 wall walk until you have completed 10 push ups, 10 pull ups, and 5 wall walks. Each round will finish with 8-10 calories throughout the workout.

The pushups and pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Elevate the hands as necessary on the push ups. For the pull ups, scaling to ring rows is acceptable. If the pull ups reps don’t seem challening, opt for strict pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, or strict chest to bar pull ups.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of about 4-5/minute. Adjust the range of motion if necessary.

The calories shouldn’t take much more than :30 per round. Reduce the amount if you can’t maintain the pace.