Bruce KB Snatch


Fitness: Bench Press, 3×5 Linear Progression


Bench Press, 1RM:

  • 30-50% x8 Rest 1-2 minutes
  • 60% x5 Rest 1-2 minutes
  • 70% x3 Rest 1-2 minutes
  • 80% x1 Rest 2 minutes
  • 90% x1 Rest 3 minutes
  • 100% x1 Rest 3 minutes
  • +2-5% x1 (Find Max, rest 3 minutes between attempts)



1) Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of ascending ladder:

  • 1 Pull Ups
  • 25 Double Unders
  • 2 Pull Ups
  • 25 Double Unders
  • 3 Pull Ups…

Rest 5 minutes then,

2) Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of ascending ladder:

  • 1 Wall Ball
  • 1 Burpee
  • 2 Wall Balls
  • 2 Burpee
  • 3 Wall Balls
  • 3 Burpee…

Performance (& those testing 1RM Deadlift Friday):

1) Deadlift, 4×3 at 70-80%, resting 90 seconds. Focus; practice the movement with purpose and intensity.

Optional Cashout:

2) Choose one of the the Ftiness AMRAPs above.