10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time
3 Bar Muscle up / (Box Bar MU) / 4 burpee chest to bar
Power Clean
100m run @ min 3, 6, 9, etc.. not including zero
Time Cap: 15 mins
Today’s workouts is a triplet of overhead squats, bar muscle ups and cleans. The rep scheme for the OHS and power cleans are 10-1, while the bar muscle ups are fixed at 3.
Another caveat is every 3:00 not including minute zero, perform a 300m run.
The overhead squat should be done in 1-2 sets for 10-7 and unbroken from 6 on. Front squats can also be a scale option
The bar muscle ups can become box bar muscle ups for 3 reps, or 4 burpee chest to bar/burpee jumping pull up
The power clean can be done in either unbroken sets, or steady singles
Run should take no more than 90 seconds