Back Squat
Take 12:00 to build to an RPE 9 across 5 sets of 3 reps
14 min AMRAP:
6 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Push-Ups
24 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
**Can Partition individual rounds as needed.**
You will be able to break this round-up as you need to. There is an unlimited amount of different permutations you could choose here, but they should be based on sustainability. If the 6 strict pull ups seem too much, you can sprinkle 3s 2s or however you need to. Similarly with the wall balls. An example could be
2 strict pull ups
6 push ups
12 wall balls
2 strict pull ups
6 push ups
12 wall balls.
Strict pull ups can become strict box assisted chest to bar, or ring rows. Push ups can become elevated push-ups. Wall balls can become goblet squats.