Every 3 mins x 4 sets.
3 Position Power Clean (1, 2, 3) + front squat
Build to RPE 8-9 across rounds
Every 2:00 x 3 sets
3 clean pulls @ 90-100% of 1rm clean
30 Hang Power Snatch
20 burpees
20- Hang Power Snatch
10 burpee over the bar
10 Power Snatch snatch
5 burpee to 6″” target
8 minute cap
The 30 Hang power snatches should be broken in smart sets, around 2-4. This should be a weight that takes you around 60-90 seconds. the 20 burpees should be at a smooth pace and should also be done around 90 seconds – 2 mins.
Build weight in the power snatch. The middle set should be in 2-3 sets, and the burpee over the barshould be quick.
The final bar should be something that you can either hit in sets, or relatively quick singles, but can build in weight.