
AMRAP 18:00

P1: 400m run

12- 15 cal machine
10 strict handstand push up or Push press
12-15 cal machine
10 BMU or 15 Chest to Bar or 20 Ring Rows


Partner 1 begins on a 400m run. Partners 2 and 3 are working through AMRAP Rounds of sHSPU/Push Press, Calories, and a Gymnastic pulling movement. When Partner 1 returns, choose another partner to hit the run, while the remaining two pick back up where the first two left off. You can switch movements on the AMRAP at any time. Continue for 18 mins.

If performing strict handstand push ups, make sure you can hit 2-4 reps throughout the entire AMRAP, otherwise go to a Push Press. The Push Press can be heavier to match the handstand push ups.

For the BMU, you can split the work however, just make sure you and your partner are getting as much equal work as possible.