
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:

A. Push Press – 3 reps w/ :01 pause overhead
RPE 7-8 (a little heavier than last week)

In between sets hit:

B. Split jerk balance x 3 w/ :02 pauses in the split
reset fully after each rep.



AMRAP 5:00
2, 4, 6… bar facing burpees
3-5 strict chest to bar pull ups or ring row

–rest 2 minutes–

AMRAP 5:00
2, 4, 6… burpee to target
3-5 dips


Score will be the Sum of each AMRAP

Both Burpees variations today should be a nice and smooth pace. The bar facing burpees can be lateral if space is limited, but written as bar facing. The chest to bar/ ring rows should be fixed at a number that is sustainable for the whole AMRAP. Similarly with the dips.

For the Dips, you can go for a band assisted dip, toe assist, stationary dip, or push up variation depending on what will allow you to move steadily.

Choose movements that you can keep unbroken through the entire AMRAP. Make it about burpee capacity!

Burpee target should be about 6″ above reach overhead