
Every 3:00 x 4 sets

A. Push Press – 4 reps @ 20×1 tempo
(2 sec lower, 1 sec at top)

In between sets hit:
B. Behind the neck Split Press- 8-10 reps, super light”



11 min AMRAP

44 double unders
33 wall balls
22 Toes to Bar
11 Power Snatches


Score is total rounds and reps in 11 mins.

Double unders should be an amount that is done in 30-45 seconds. Hold yourself to a. minute hard cap.Scale to single unders if needed

The wall balls should should be broken into smooth sets, and being able to transition right into the toes to bar.

For the toes to bar, pick a rep scheme that can stay unbroken through multiple rounds in the AMRAP. Toes to Air, Hanging knee raises, or V-ups are options.

The power snatches should be a weight that can either be done in steady singles, or 2-3 sets. Moderately heavy today.

Goal: 2+ rounds