
10 minute emom

1 power snatch (pos. 1) + 1 power snatch (pos. 2)


“Fire Alarm”

2 Rounds for Time, with a Partner:

40 Toes to Rope
15 Synchro Hang power snatch
20 floor complexes:
30m farmer carry

1 Floor Complex = 1 Single Leg V-up/side + 1 Full V-up

Time Cap: 15 minute cap


Today’s workout is 2 rounds for time with a Partner. Your score will be the time it takes you to complete 2 rounds, with a 15 min cap.

The Toes to rope will be completed by hanging from a rope, and aiming to get your toes to touch above your head. A rope hanging knee raise can be a good modification. You can break these into manageable sets between you and your partner.

The synchro Hang power snatch should be a weight that is moderately heavy, that you can hold onto either unbroken, or 2 sets with you and your partner. The rep doesn’t need to be “completed” synchro; however, you must wait in a overhead lockout for your partner if they do not reach lockout at the same time before completing your next rep.

We have a floor complex with V-ups. A bent knee/tucked v-up is a good scale today. Alternating this complex may be a good strategy.

You and your partner must complete a 30m farmer’s carry. This is one partner working at a time, so the non working partner can follow with a walk or jog. Switch whenever. Weight should be heavy.