
10:00 Running Clock

1,2,3…chest to bar
2,4,6…z press
4,8,12 Alternating goblet hold reverse lunge


3 rounds

35 double unders
8 burpees
400-500m row
8 burpees
35 double unders
rest 2:00

16 minute cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds for time of double unders, burpees, and rowing.

The Score will be the total time it takes for you to complete 3 rounds, with a 16 min cap.

For the Double unders, we are looking for something that is done in under 30 seconds. Hold to a 30 second cap.

Burpees should be a smooth pace.

The row should be somehting that you can finish in under or around 2 mins.

The intention behind today is feeling good throughout each round, with keeping a little but of gas in the tank for the end.