
Build to heavy single snatch in 18 mins



3 rounds for time of:
• 400m run
• 21 Kettlebell Swings
• 12 Pull-ups


Today’s Workout is the Classic Benchmark Helen. Perform 3 rounds of a 400m run, 21 American KBs and 12 Pull ups. Your score is the time it takes to complete 3 rounds, or the 13 min time cap.

For the 400m run, we are looking for a run distance that ideally can be done in 2 mins, with a hard cap of 2:30. Rowing or biking can be used as options as well.

The Kettlbell swings should be done in one unbroken set, with a max of two sets. Make sure its a weight that you han hold onto. A russian swing can also be used if the technique still needs work for the American.

The Pullups should be in no more than 3 sets. We’re looking to get right onto the run. Jumping pull ups or ring rows can be used.