
With a partner

15 minute AMRAP:
200m run together
20 burpee pull ups (OPWAAT)

7 minutes to find 1rm thruster


We have a spin on Open Workout 23.2a and b today. You will start with a 200m run with your partner, and come back in and work to accomplish 20 burpee pull ups. You will continue doing this for 15 minutes. You will then go right into 7 minutes to accomplish a 1rm thruster between you and your partner. Your score in SugarWOD will be the rounds and reps accumulated in part A, and another score for Thruster weights

For the burpee pullups, a jumping pullup can and should be utilized if possible. A kipping pullup is also doable. You can also get a small platform to help you with the jump if needed.

For the Thruster, open with a weight that is lighter than you may want to in order to establish confidence. From there, take a jump between you and your partner. The goal is to get 3-4 lifts each.