
3 rounds:

A. 4-6 Kip levers + 2-3 Box Bar Muscle up/ Bar Box Jumps
B. 4-6 chest to bar pull ups or ring rows (leave 2 reps in tank)


3 rounds:
15 Dual KB deadlifts
3 wall walks
25ft burpee broad jump
*5 minute cap for 3 rounds.

then, at the 7 minute mark:
1k row for time

12 min total cap for entire workout


For today, the workout is 3 rounds of 15 Dual KB deadlifts, 3 wall walks, and 25 foot burpee broad jump. Your score will be the time it takes for you to complete 3 rounds, or the 5 min cap. From there, rest 2 minutes, and at the 7 minute mark, everyone will row 1000m for time.

The deadlifts should be unbroken through all 3 rounds. The wall walks should be steady, but not rushed. A scaled wall walk, or plank shoulder taps could also be used. The burpee broad jump should be explosive and having the focus of a good soft landing.

2 minutes is not a huge chunk of rest, so make sure you don’t come out too hot on the 1k row. Find a good groove, and around 500m left, begin to push hard.