
3 sets

A. :08 controlled wall facing handstand pushup negative to parallettes or plates x 1 rep

B. 4-7 deficit handstand push ups from easier position

rest ~:30 between A & B and :90 after B



8-10 shuttle runs
8 toes to bar
20 single arm dumbbell shoulder to overhead


Today’s workout is a 14 min AMRAP of 8-10 shuttle runs, 8 toes to bar, and 20 single arm shoulder to overhead with a dumbbell. The score will be the amount of rounds and reps in 14 minutes.

For the shuttle runs, find a pace that will allow you to complete the reps in about a minute. Focus on not chopping/cutting too hard, or jumping into your next rep. Make them nice and smooth.

The toes to bar should be done in no more than 2 sets. Toes to Air, hanging Knee raises, or V-ups are also good options.

The shoulder to overhead can be completed anyway; however, it is suggested to perform 10 reps on one arm and then switch. Use a weight that can allows for that, with only a short break in between arms if needed. A push press or push jerk is best here.