Deep Pulling & Bar Muscle Up Technique

3 rounds:

AMRAP minus 1
strict chest to bar OR challenging ring row

In between AMRAP (-1) sets, perform:
3-4 kip levers + 2-3 box bar muscle ups


In 3:00
12-16 calories
200m run
AMRAP cleans in the time remaining
–rest 1:00–

x4 rounds


Today’s workout is four 3-minute rounds of work with 1 minute of rest inbetween rounds. Each round consists of 12-16 calories, a 200m run, and then as many cleans in the remaining time. Your score is the amount of cleans you get across all 4 rounds.

The calories should be done in about :50 or less reduce the amount if necessary.

The run shouldn’t take much more than a minute. Reduce the the distance if necessary.

The cleans should be heavy. Something you definitely have to do singles on, but that you won’t miss any reps on. You can do these as squat cleans or power cleans. One rep every :10-:15 is a good pace if the weight is heavy enough.