
12 min EMOM:

Min 1: snatch x 2
Min 2: 40-50 double unders


11 min AMRAP:

1,2,3… bar muscle ups (or 2,4,6… pull ups)
2,4,6… burpees
25,50,75ft … forward crawl


Todays workout is an 11 minute ascending ladder of bar muscle ups, burpees, and crawling. You will start with 1 bar muscle up, 2 burpees, and a 25 ft forward crawl. You will increase the reps by that same amount each round. So round 2 will be 2 BMU, 4 burpees, and a 50 ft crawl. You will continue in this fashion for the entire 11 minutes. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 11 minutes.

The bar muscle ups can be scaled to pull ups if necessary. If you scale to pull ups, or any other pullup scale (ring rows, jumping), double the reps.

Find a consistent pace on the burpees that allows you to move continuously through all of your sets.

You should be able to complete the crawl in at least 25ft unbroken segments. If you are able to handstand walk you may substitute this instead of crawling. If you opt for the handstand walk you can also decrease the distance to make it comparable to the crawling from a time standpoint.