
3 rounds

A) power clean + front squat : 1+6 w/ :02 pause in bottom on last rep
B) bench press: x 3

rest :90 between movements


100 double under cash in

4 rounds:
25 situps
15 db goblet squats
5 devil press

50 double under cash out

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is a 100 double under cash in, followed by four rounds of 25 situps, 15 dumbbell goblet squats, and 5 devil presses. You will then finish with a 50 double under cash out. Your score is the time it takes to complete the work, or the amount completed before the 13 minute time cap if you do not finish.

The double unders shouldn’t take much more than :90 per 100 reps. Reduce the amount or scale to single unders if necessary.

The situps should be completed in 1-2 sets per round. Scale down the number if this is unattainable.

You will use a single set of dumbbells for the workout. You will use one of them for the goblet squat and both of them for the devil press. The goblet squat should be done unbroken and the devil press shouldn’t take much more than about :30-:40. Use a moderate weight.